Navajoa peeblesiana Croizat ssp. fickeisenii (Backeberg ex Hochstätter) HochstätterKakt. and. Sukk. 5:113-119, 1995.Fickeisen Indian Cactus Basionym: Navajoa peeblesiana Croizat var. fickeisenii Backberg ex Hochstätter, Succulenta, Netherlands 73 (3): 131-1142, 1994.
Type: Backeberg (1961) " USA (Arizona) 300 miles as the crow flies west from the type locality of Navajoa peeblesianus, at ca. 1,500m on the slopes of the south sides of low mountains in the area of the north side
of the Grand Canyon. The type is in my collection." Lectotype: Lyman & Robert L. Benson (1982), 15745, June 28, 1957, POM 285 856.
SynonymyNavajoa fickeisenii Backeberg Cact. & Succt. J. (GB) 22 (3):49, 54, 1960, nom. inval.(Art.37.1).Navajoa fickeisenii Backeberg, Die Cactaceae 5:2873-2876, Abb.2700-2702, 1961 nom. inval.(Art.8.2). Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeisenii (Backeberg) L. Benson, Cact. & Succt. J. (US) 34:59-60, 1962, nom. inval. Toumeya fickeisenii Earle, Cacti of the Southwest ed.2, 98, 1963, USA, nom. inval. Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeiseniae (Backeberg) L. Benson, The Cacti of Arizona, ed. 3, 23-24, 186-187, 1969, nom. inval. Pediocactus peeblesianus ssp. fickeisenii Lüthy, Kakt. and. Sukk.50 (11):278, 1999.
Other representative material studied.
![]() Navajoa peeblesiana ssp. fickeisenii, fh 051, Kanab Plateau, 1,600m, |